Saturday, March 07, 2009

Stay The Course, Mr. Obama!

Barrack Obama has problems. Big Problems. The “Great American Dream” is in danger of being shattered. Indeed, for many, it’s already in smithereens. A few have also found, much to their utter despair, that picking up the pieces will only push slivers into their flesh, drawing more blood.
People are finding they can’t keep up with their mortgage payments. Foreclosures have left many homeless. The loan defaults have screwed with the banking system. So much so, that the banks which possessed the houses from defaulting owners no longer exist. Salaried people are finding that their pay packets are suddenly lighter. Some are finding – well, in February alone, 165,000 people found – that they no longer have a job to go to. Unemployment is at its highest in 25 years. Firms that think they can keep their employees, aren’t hiring any more. Investments that at one time promised solid returns, are now not worth the paper they’re printed on. But prices aren’t falling as fast as they should… or could. The average American is finding that loans aren’t easy to come by any longer. In short, the juggernaut of an American economy seems on the verge of disintegration. All the President’s workhorses and all the President’s men are scratching their heads over how to put it together again.
These are not the kind of problems that can be fixed with a call to a customer service number. So the advocate of change decided on a simple course of action: get rid of those irksome call centres. He chose to bring these jobs back home, and offer them to his people. No more foreign nurses, he said. Lo and behold! More jobs for the Americans.
He came up with a plan to pour over One Trillion Dollars in tax-payers’ money into rebuilding the economy. One Trillion Dollars is not chump change; that’s another Indian economy right there!
His decisions have pushed many people across the world -- especially India, Phillipines, and Malaysia -- into a cantankerous state. This was not a change they wanted, when they watched America get its first African-American President. “It’s not fair,” they say.
But why not?
Why should he worry about some family in a dark corner of Asia, when millions of families are fighting to survive the night right at his doorstep? The man is fighting to save his country from an economic holocaust. The most powerful man in the free world only seems to be following what Spidey said not too long ago: “With great power comes great responsibility.” His first responsibility is to his People. It’s perfectly natural that he chooses his country’s welfare over someone else’s.

Bravo, Mr President!


duende said...

the personal loan offers have dried up here too. jolly good times i say.

Smriti said...

Absolutely fair I say.